We love all of our creatures here on Bacchus Ranch, regardless of their size. This is a Western painted turtle. Isn’t the red great? This is the first one we’ve…

We love all of our creatures here on Bacchus Ranch, regardless of their size. This is a Western painted turtle. Isn’t the red great? This is the first one we’ve…
Our heavy rains have been moving lots of creatures we don’t often see around the ranch. We pick up and move the smaller turtles out of the road. This one…
Planting some new vines and have the feeling you are being watched? Today we had a new vineyard supervisor.
We are blessed to share great times and to get to know all of you. We are truly blessed when we are asked to create special occasions. Congratulations Michael &…
You really have to admire the ingenuity of Americans even in the most difficult of times!