Kansas vine cuttings from Prairie Fire Winery’s Vineyard. Approximately 5 weeks old.
They are alive!
This is an overview of approximately 432 cuttings. At present, we are experiencing a higher than estimated success rate. Here’s hoping that it continues!
They know their job…
As with all of the grapes we plant, they love our soil so much they immediately want to put grapes on. Most won’t set having a young root system. We will remove the rest to ensure the health of the young vines.
Close up of Kansas Vine Cuttings taken approximately February 28th from Prairie Fire Wineries Vineyard.
Kansas Vine Cuttings at Prairie Fire Winery, Vineyard, & Nursery
More healthy vines.
Another close up of the cuttings. So far they are healthy and happy.
Keep watching for more progress!